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I am a seasoned software engineer with a deep passion for new technologies and an extensive background in cloud computing. I have created and integrated domotic systems based on Debian, and I possess consistent knowledge of both Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

In addition to my formal education, I have expertise in cloud-native programming and automation, utilizing languages such as Python, Java, and scripting languages like Bash. I am proficient in cloud frameworks and tools, including Kubernetes, Terraform, and Jenkins. My extensive knowledge spans network management and system administration, encompassing various Unix-based operating systems. I excel in the virtualization of hosts and container orchestration using Kubernetes.

Focusing particularly on cloud environments, I am skilled in automation using Jenkins, Terraform, and other related technologies. Additionally, I have experience in creating web apps using Google App Engine, JHipster Angular apps, and Spring Boot context-based apps with a particular focus on Java.


As a daily Python user, I appreciate its unique blend of simplicity and power. My enthusiasm for Raspberry Pi continues to drive both my personal and professional projects.



  • Senior Product DevOps Engineer @ Flowable NOW
  • Senior Solutions Engineer @ Appian 2021-2024
  • Senior Consultant CI/CD-K8s-Cloud @ European Patent Office 2020-2021
  • Middleware sysAdmin @ Tier1 Technology, S.A 2019-2020
  • SIM programmer @ Pod Group 2019
    The PodGroup Massive SIM Printer is a tool to help with SIM card encoding process. Retrieving data on-demand from PODGroup API
  • MusicRoad Project 2019
    MusicRoad gives you the opportunity to share your passion with new people, not only musicians but also music lovers.
  • Minesweeper Solver with BN 2018
    Minesweeper Solver Bayesian Network solver for a squared minesweeper board.
  • CTO @ Elena Bravo Arche 2018-2021
  • Acme-Overflow (Seville, Spain) 2017
    Acme Overflow, Inc. is a questions & answers forum for developers.
  • Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2016
    Seeds for the Future program reward’s
  • Univ. of Seville (Seville, Spain) 2011-2019
    Computer Science Engineering - Software Engineering degree
  • San José School (Villafranca de los Barros, Spain) 2008-2010
    Graduated from High School Diploma in Science and Technology
  • Off. Conservatory Of Music (Almendralejo, Spain) 2006-2007
    Medium Education of Music (Flute)
  • Off. Conservatory Of Music (Almendralejo, Spain) 2002-2006
    Basic Education of Music (Flute)



Native Language


Advanced Level


Basic degree from Beijing University


Basic Level




“A work experience and practices in China for 15 students of 2nd and 3rd year of Computer Engineering or Telecommunications Engineering. The program offers a vision of the operation of a leading multinational in the field of Information Technology and Communication, a few weeks of immersion in Chinese language and culture, with classes at Beijing University. In addition to training in Huawei technology solutions for ICT.”